Blog Archive

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Day 10

Day 9

Give it 110%

When you exercise-give it your all
When you learn a new skill give it your all
When your at your job give it your all
When your in a relationship give it your all
. . . 

As you work at your weightless/fitness goals or any other goals make sure your giving it your all. You will always be happy with the results when you're in it 110%.

Day 8

Go Natural

Be free, let your hair down, don't fuss with your make-up, eat natural foods, use the natural substances on our earth for healing and for your benefit. Embrace what God gave us without changing it.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Day 7

Rest Day

In middle of our busy lives we often forget to slow down physically and mentally. This can cause unwanted stress and anxiety to the mind and body. As we re-group, meditate, relax, or just find some peace we get to know our inner self. We become better, a confident more polished us.

Take the time to relax! Share your favorite way to relax or meditate in post comments.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Day 6

Learn a new skill

It's always good to keep your mind and body guessing. Learning new skills keeps you young and active. You probably have heard the saying "A body in motion stays in motion" I think that can be applied to your brain as well. 

Share your new skill in the comments below. I would love ideas and motivation for us all to learn new skills.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Day 5

Good Snacks

I love a chocolate protein drink with celery and almond butter. I have this a lot after my work-out.

Choose you snacks wisely.  A lot of  time we just start eating whatever is in front of us, not thinking about the food value. Before you have a snack think:
        • Are you hungry
        • Why do I want to eat?
        • What should I eat?
  • Don't eat unless you are hungry. Drink water before you decide. A lot of times we mistake hungry for thirst.
  • If you are bored or feeling a certain emotion we like too eat for comfort.  This can lead to bad food choices and weight gain.
  • Plan your snacks, don't just start eating whatever. You will make healthier choices this way
Enjoy  your snacks!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Day 4

Do Yoga!

There are so many benefits to practicing yoga. If you practice yoga, GREAT, if not it's a perfect time to start. For my tune up I will just focus on one benefit hoping it will rekindle your love or start the flame to practice yoga.

Fall asleep, stay asleep longer, and wake up with fewer aches and pains

When you practice yoga you'll be releasing pent up energy that could prevent you from falling asleep, and sleeping soundly once you do get to sleep. Yoga helps relax your nervous system, which is the part of your body responsible for restful sleep or a night of tossing and turning.

The meditative aspect of yoga is apparent here, and if a racing mind is what keeps you from getting to sleep, you may benefit greatly from performing yoga at any point during the day to quiet the mind and free yourself from the constant loop of thoughts that keeps you awake at night.