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Sunday, June 16, 2013


What do you think of when you hear the word juice. An average person will probably think of a store bought beverage that contains fruit and other sweeteners. In the past months our family has taken JUICE to a whole new level. My husband bought me a juicer before we were married and now it's finally being put to use. Honestly, our juicing has been a great health benefit to our household but hasn't been the tastiest substance we had hoped for. So I bought...

My husband has been taking the juicing really seriously lately so he can improve his health and weight. This Father's Day I purchased this book of recipes in hopes to increase the quality and taste of our juicing experience.

Why juice?

Raw fresh juice is one of the most healthiest substances we can put into our bodies. According to our new juice recipe book it's the fastest way to deliver vitamins, minerals, enzymes, carbohydrates, chlorophyll, and other phytonutrients to our bodies. Convinced? Maybe...because it's a drink the liquid doesn't need to be digested. All of these great nutrients will now absorb into our system within minutes. With so much good nutrients in our bodies we can fight disease power up a lot faster and more efficient then if we were to eat a meal with all four food groups. Makes sense to me and honestly there is no down side to drinking what God gave us, so I am in!

We made this for Father's Day.

I am supper excited about trying so many different recipes of juices, smoothies, and quenchers. We have been getting pretty bored of our usual recipes that we made up in the beginning. It will be really helpful to have this book tell us what combinations of food will go good together to make our taste buds sing. Hopefully juicing will become more enjoyable everyday. Good luck to us and to my readers who choose to take on the challenge of juicing. I will report back on our progress.


I am so grateful for my Dad. He is one of the most important people in my life. He has helped me become the person I am today. He has given me life lessons and confidence to be all I am and can be. I owe everything to him. I also feel so blessed to have a great Father and also so blessed to have a great husband who is just as wonderful of a father to my kids. I owe this post to him. What a great example he is to our family as he shares his motivation and determination to live a healthier life.

Love you both! 

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